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в будние дни
с 9:00 до 18:00
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Our address:
4 Ivana Lepse Ave., building 7, ground floor, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680


+38 (044) 238-28-03

+38 (044) 454-04-30

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Business cardsdigital printingKyivoffset printingprinting housescreen printingБлог типографии "АБРИС ПРИНТ"БлокнотыBookletsБумажные пакеты КиевВизиткиДокументы для бухгалтерии АБРИС ПРИНТКаталог готовых штанцформКаталог дизайнерского картона онлайнКонтакты типографии "АБРИС ПРИНТ"Кубарикиfly sheetsleafletsPOS-materialsПечать CD/DVD/mini дисковПечать конвертовПечать наклеекПластиковые картыPromotional productsТребование к макетамФирменные папкиflyersLarge format printingблог о полиграфииблог типографииблоки для записейблоки для записей произвосдтвоблокноты на пружинеблокноты на пружинкебрендирование п/э пакетоввоблерывоблеры на заказwobblersзаказать блокноты киевзаказать визиткизаказать етикеткузаказать наклейки киевзаказать этикетку киевзакзать кубарики из картонаизготовление бланковизготовление блокнотовизготовление брошюризготовление визитокизготовление воблеровизготовление календарейизготовление каталоговизготовление конвертовизготовление коробок киевизготовление упаковкиизготовление упаковки киевизготовление этикеток на бутылки украинакиевKyivкубарики с логокубарики с лого печатьнанесение лого на п/э пакетынапечатать этикеткуножки для воблеровофсетная печатьoffset printingпакеты бумажные с логопакеты из бумаги с логопечать бланковпечать бланков Киевпечать брошюрпечать визитокпечать календарейпечать календарей Украинапечать каталоговпечать конвертов Киевпечать на коробкахпечать на п/э пакетахпечать наклеек на оракалепечать наклеек на ретрамепечать настенных календарейпечать перекидных календарейпечать этикетокпечать этикеток киевпечать этикеток на банкипечать этикеток на бутылки киевпроизводство бланковпроизводство календарейпроизводство конвертовпроизводство наклеекпроизводство этикетки украинапроизводство этикетокрегистрационные документы АБРИС ПРИНТрекламныетипографияprinting houseтрафаретная печатьscreen printingцифровая печатьdigital printing

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Contact our managers:

Antonina Buban
Mob. 093-342-10-00

Inna Bidnichenko
Mob. 097-997-52-55

Mariya Tabenkova
Mob. 099-547-23-25

Konstantin Zamsha
Mob. 067-977-44-33

Ilona Starun
Mob. 067-450-74-96

Rudenko Oxana
моб. 050-911-15-56

Plastic cards

Our works:

Open your wallet and see how many cards are in it. Discount, bank, club and insurance cards are crammed into pockets. The most interesting thing is that half of your cards were printed in ABRIS PRINT Printing House.

What makes this happen? The availability of powerful production facilities for the manufacture of plastic cards allows ABRIS PRINT employees to fulfill bulk orders on the most favorable terms. Reasonable prices and high quality printing of plastic cards (the printing house is located in Kyiv) have already been appreciated by one and a half million consumers.

ABRIS PRINT Printing House offers its services of manufacturing plastic cards of any type, as well as short lifetime laminated cardboard cards (prepay, seasonal, gift and scratch cards). We have our own closed-cycle production facilities for the manufacture of plastic cards in accordance with international standards, which allows us to fulfill the orders for their production promptly and at reasonable prices.

We use the following technologies in the production of plastic cards:

  • Putting an image on the plastic card with digital or silk screen printing.
  • Protecting plastic cards from external effects by means of varnishing or lamination. Varnishing technology provides high-grade protection of the card and prolongs the period of its use. Lamination is the only method that gives an opportunity to hide a microchip or a contactless card antenna inside the card, as well as to coat the card with a magnetic stripe that does not protrude above its surface.
  • Personalization of plastic cards (putting personal information on a plastic card: number, date of issue, validity, etc.) in the following ways:
  • Embossing is putting alphanumeric information on the surface of the plastic card by extrusion followed by painting of the relief of the embossed characters in the specified color (tipping). This method is widely used in the manufacture of bank, club and discount cards.
  • Signature panel is a special layer on the surface of the card that allows making inscriptions. In the event of an attempt to erase the inscription, the surface of the panel for the inscription is destroyed.
  • Scratch panel is non-transparent protective layer put on the surface of the plastic card to protect the information. To gain access to hidden information you need to remove the scratch panel with any subject. A similar method is used in the production of Internet cards, prepay cards and lottery cards.
  • Barcode is encoded information applied by means of bars. It is typically used for identification and discount cards.
  • Magnetic stripe (encoding) is an information medium with limited memory capacity. A magnetic stripe has three tracks for encoding – recording information. A sequence of letters and numbers (owner’s name, card number, expiration date, etc.) can be put on each track. Magnetic stripe cards are widely used in bank payment systems, transportation systems, security systems and identification.
  • Packing plastic cards in individual transparent plastic bags or transparent plastic tape with perforation between the cards and perforation of the separation line of the cards. Plastic card packaging has a protective role preventing the card from damage and keeps the card in a presentable form (transparent package protects plastic cards against dirt and scratches, additionally protects erasable scratch strip cards).

Plastic cards are easy to use and allow you to create various loyalty programs for customers. In addition, the fact that your customers have such an attribute as a branded plastic card of your company is a precondition for the relevance and a guarantee of the stability of your organization in the market.

Money invested in the production of cards will pay off quickly and bring you the desired result. In addition to the plastic cards flawlessly printed in Kyiv, you will receive a number of related services, including the delivery of products directly to your office.

Start developing your own business today! Order the printing of plastic cards to strengthen the cooperation with the existing customers and attract new ones!

Order price calculation

To get the calculation of the price for the product you are interested in, please fill out the form below. Please describe your order in details. If you have a layout, please send it as an attached file. Our specialists will contact you in the short term.
Thank you for trusting ABRIS PRINT Company!

Full Name*
Your phone number*
Your commentary*
Attach File
Attach File
Attach File

Plastic cards